You can now simply grow gourmet oyster mushrooms on your kitchen bench. Become a home grown mushroom farmer and enjoy the vegetarian steak! These mushroom kits are prepared from waste coffee grounds and collected from Australian cafe’s by Life Cykel.
Growing your own coffee mushrooms with ease has a host of benefits:
Food Connection
Seeing your gourmet oyster mushrooms sprout before your eyes is a truly magical experience! Regain that home grown feeling that has fed our vitality for centuries.
Unbeatable Freshness and Flavour
Pick your mushrooms straight from the box into the frying pan to eat within minutes of the harvest. Chef’s from high-end restaurants rave about the rare quality of Life Cykel Coffee Mushrooms. They are so easy cook, though your family and friends will think you’re a Masterchef!
Superior Health –The Original Superfood
These oyster mushrooms contain protein, iron, calcium, magnesium, selenium and vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6 and B7. These mushrooms are also a highly prized meat substitute.
Contribute to a Greener Planet – The most sustainable protein source in the world!
Your mushroom box is grown from coffee grounds that were diverted from landfill. When coffee grounds in landfill are in an anaerobic environment, they create a greenhouse gas in the form of methane. Methane has 20 times the global warming capacity of carbon dioxide! The same greenhouse gas that you are reducing when substituting Life Cykel Mushrooms for the most detrimental food source on the environment; Beef.
It works every time or we’ll send you a new one!